Podpora Kataloniji na AVAAZ, Proclamation on Katalonia and democracy on AVAAZ

Dogajajo se čudne stvari. To proklamacijo DSP so na AVAAZ nekako zamrznili. Začel sem sumiti, da smo ovirani od kakšne druge agencije, denimo East Stratcoma? Celo Guardian je objavil poročilo o tem, da poročanje mednarodnih ruskih medijev v EU povezujejo z ruskim vmešavanjem. Nihče ne pove, da je tako razmišljanje nezaslišano. Da postavlja pod vprašaj svobodo medijev, to sveto osnovno načelo demokracije. Ne pristali smo na logki resničnih novic (naših news) in lažnih (njihovih). Guardian poroča, da se ne strinjajo vsi v EU, zamolči kdo se ne, ne zaradi svobode medijev, ampak zaradi želje po umirjanju odnosov z Rusijo zaradi trgovski interesov. Ruska mednarodna televzija, mimogrede odlična, se mora prijaviti v ZDA kot tuji agent, v skladu z zakonom oporabljnenim za naci Nemčijo leta 1939. Kaj se vendar dogaja? Ža zdavnaj bi morali zvoniti vsi alarmi na tej in oni strani Atlantika. Dogaja se pa nasprotno, rusko histerijo nenehoma napihuje liberalna stran, clo vsi satirični šovi, ne pa denimo Foxnews.


Proclamation for Catalonia and Europe

We Slovene writers and other workers in culture are asking the people, the citizens of EU states, to support our demand that our elected governments as well as unelected EU bureaucrats stop insisting that the freedom of Catalans is an internal matter for Spain. Such repressive constitutionalism legitimizes and even encourages the use of force by the Spanish state against the people of Catalonia and thus fuels civil war.

To pretend that constitutions are above human rights is a denial of the basic European and universal human values upon which democracies of European Union are built.

Catalans cannot hope for support for their democratic aspirations from the EU as it currently is. European history is a disgraceful history of betrayals. From selling Czechoslovakia to Hitler in Munich to preaching to the besieged Bosnians in Sarajevo to negotiate with Milošević, Europe has learned nothing. Therefore we need a different Europe and different EU. A Europe with a memory, one that will learn from the mistakes of the past, in order to unconditionally defend freedom and democracy for everyone for the future.

The free Catalan culture that is developing in accordance with the self‐determination of the Catalan people cannot be an internal matter. Culture and language are part of the irreplaceable and precious human heritage and cultural diversity of the world. This heritage in all its diversity should be protected in the interest of humankind.

We are asking the people, the citizens of EU states, to demand that our elected representatives stop claiming in our name that the conflict between Catalan elected representatives and the Catalans that voted in the referendum on October 1 for the independence of Catalonia and the Spanish state should be resolved in accordance with the Spanish constitution. The rights of expression and self‐determination come before any constitution. These rights are above any state, super state, capital, military or any other vested interest.

The Europe of regions has long been talked about. Existing national states are not god given. For a number of reasons, more EU will inevitably sooner or later produce more
Catalonias all over the continent. We demand that our elected representatives and unelected EU bureaucrats take this process they themselves are generating into account and act accordingly.

EU bureaucrats should for example stop making pronouncements on the number of EU states to their liking and other similarly scandalous and inappropriate statements. Being unelected, they have no mandate to express anything other than what EU states authorize.

We are therefore asking the people, citizens of EU states, to unconditionally demand that our elected governments and unelected EU bureaucrats condemn every use of violence against the citizens and noncitizens of EU states that are peacefully exercising their inalienable right of self expression. And this includes holding referendums for independence.

We are asking the people, citizens of EU, states to demand that our elected governments and unelected EU bureaucrats stop ignoring our basic rights and explicitly or implicitly

endorsing the use of any kind of violence and intimidation of citizens peacefully expressing their fundamental rights. Nobody should beat us for expressing our thoughts and the right to self‐determination.

We are asking the people, citizens of EU states, to support the independence of Catalonia, when the majority of the people of Catalonia vote for it. The Spanish and other EU states, our elected representatives, as well as unelected EU bureaucrats, must respect the right of Catalans as well as other peoples of Europe to decide on their own future.

We are asking the people, citizens of EU states, to support Catalonia in order to help the European Union to respect its own fundamental values.

Ljubljana, November 4, 2017

Slovene writers and other workers in culture